What is the weather like in Ensenada Mexico in January?

Publish date: 2024-06-10

Average Weather in January in Ensenada Mexico. Daily high temperatures are around 69°F, rarely falling below 59°F or exceeding 80°F. Daily low temperatures are around 50°F, rarely falling below 43°F or exceeding 57°F.Click to see full answer. Beside this, what is the weather like in Baja Mexico in January?Weather in January in La Paz, Baja California. The average temperature in La Paz, Baja California in January is very mild at 17.5 °C (63.5 °F). Afternoons can be really warm with average high temperatures reaching 22 °C (71.6 °F). Overnight temperatures are generally mild with an average low of 13 °C (55.4 °F).Also, does Ensenada have snow? Weather stations report no annual snow. Also question is, what’s the weather like in Ensenada Mexico in December? Average Weather in December in Ensenada Mexico. Daily high temperatures decrease by 2°F, from 71°F to 69°F, rarely falling below 59°F or exceeding 80°F. The lowest daily average high temperature is 68°F on December 24. Daily low temperatures are around 51°F, rarely falling below 43°F or exceeding 58°F.What is the weather like in Ensenada Mexico in February?Average Weather in February in Ensenada Mexico. Daily high temperatures are around 68°F, rarely falling below 59°F or exceeding 79°F. The lowest daily average high temperature is 68°F on February 21. Daily low temperatures are around 50°F, rarely falling below 44°F or exceeding 57°F.
